Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thing 23: The End?

I have completed this training. I found this to be a very interesting and informative experience. As I went through my blog journey and the different things, I learned a lot even though for the most part I knew of these topics already.
If there are any other trainings like this, I would be eager to participate.


JMS-L said...

Quit sucking up. You knew this stuff already; why do you think we all hunt you down with our Techie questions here at Central? Also, here's a comment; so stop complaining about not having comments. Just kidding; love to comment.

Tom said...

Thanks Joanne for the comment. LOL
Great comment, Thanks!

Cristina said...

Tom, you are a good blog narrator. Am learning a lot just reading your blogs. What's this fascination with the weather? Just kidding....By the way, thank you so much for helping me out with all my 'stupid' techie questions. Gracias!

Tom said...

Thanks, Cristina.